Tech Blog & Newsletter

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Technology Resources to Keep You a Step Ahead

Technology is always changing, and it can be hard to keep up with industry trends when you’re busy running your business. That’s why we created our newsletters and IT blogs exclusively for you. Check back regularly to catch up on technology news and topics and all things HUB Tech.

Strengthen Your Business: A Guide to Cyber Readines

Strengthen Your Business: A Guide to Cyber Readines

Cyberattacks are a constant threat, and businesses of all sizes need to be prepared. But what exactly does it mean to be "cyber ready"? This guide will explain the importance of cyber readiness, what it entails, and provide 7 key steps to take your business from...

Which Microsoft Copilot Is Right for You?

Which Microsoft Copilot Is Right for You?

Microsoft's suite of AI companions, called Copilot, has gained significant attention for its potential to revolutionize workplace productivity like no other tool. Microsoft Copilot AI offers various iterations tailored to different business needs and objectives. In...

Make Your Team Happy with Cloud Collaboration Tools in Easton

Make Your Team Happy with Cloud Collaboration Tools in Easton

Cloud collaboration is a boon to productivity in multiple ways. First, it empowers teamwork by enabling ease and speed of finding information. Cloud collaboration improves turnaround on assignments because people know immediately when a document is ready for their...

Ransomware Attacks in South Easton Are Imminent 

Ransomware Attacks in South Easton Are Imminent 

The FBI and Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)  announced a public service warning of ransomware attacks looming on the horizon. With attacks on the rise, particularly surrounding holidays and weekends, HUB Tech IT urges South Easton-based...

A Comprehensive Guide to Disaster Recovery

A Comprehensive Guide to Disaster Recovery

In the dynamic landscape of technology, businesses thrive on digital innovations, yet the specter of disruptions looms larger than ever. The consequences of tech downtime extend beyond operations, encompassing financial losses, damaged reputations, and dissatisfied...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective IT Budgeting

A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective IT Budgeting

Strategic IT budgeting ensures that technology investments align with organizational goals and contribute to growth, efficiency and innovation. In this blog, we’ll walk through creating an effective IT budget in ten simple steps, ranging from data analysis to resource...

Cloud Services to Increase Business Productivity 

Cloud Services to Increase Business Productivity 

The right cloud services has the potential to vastly improve a business’s overall efficiency, performance and productivity. However, when it comes to choosing the right technology for your workplace, it can be difficult to select the best options out of the myriad...

Three IT Challenges You Can Conquer with Co-Managed Services  

Three IT Challenges You Can Conquer with Co-Managed Services  

Co-managed services vary by provider, but they may be the ideal solution if your business doesn’t have adequate internal resources to manage your infrastructure. These services include system monitoring and maintenance, incident management, system patches and...

5 Ways to Strengthen Your IT Disaster Recovery 

5 Ways to Strengthen Your IT Disaster Recovery 

5 Ways to Strengthen Your IT Disaster Recovery    Severe weather, data breaches and global hacking attempts can have a disastrous effect on businesses, costing them a lot of money for every minute of unplanned downtime.    Instead of letting the unthinkable damage...

Ransomware and More: 5 Common Cybercrimes in the Finance Industry

Ransomware and More: 5 Common Cybercrimes in the Finance Industry

It seems a new type of cybercrime is arriving every day – but some types of cyberattacks stand out among the rest. This is especially true in the finance industry, which is filled with malicious actors looking to take advantage of confidential financial information....

Your IT Budget: 5 Steps to Breaking Down the Essentials

Your IT Budget: 5 Steps to Breaking Down the Essentials

The benefits of creating an IT budget go far beyond simply helping you with cost savings. Doing so also aids your organization in identifying and developing your IT initiatives across your departments. With a better understanding of your goals and your budget, you can...

Email Security & Archiving: Achieving Peace of Mind 

Email Security & Archiving: Achieving Peace of Mind 

More than 376.4 billion emails are anticipated to be sent and received daily by 2025 across the globe. Now, you may account for only a small portion of that massive number. But with that said, is your email security keeping your data safe or is downtime inevitable in...

You Can’t Afford to Ignore Security Breaches – Here’s Why 

You Can’t Afford to Ignore Security Breaches – Here’s Why 

With cyberattacks on the rise, there has never been a better time to educate yourself about security breaches. Cyber criminals have developed new malicious tactics, and small and mid-size businesses are just as much at risk as big-name companies. Unfortunately, plenty...

Keep Your Data Safe with Ransomware Protection in South Easton

Keep Your Data Safe with Ransomware Protection in South Easton

At HUB Tech IT in South Easton, we are continually keeping up with the latest cybersecurity trends. We can’t help it. It’s our job, and we like it.   Recent stats have shown that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have turned into prime ransomware targets. The...

What Cloud Computing Technology in South Easton works best for you?

What Cloud Computing Technology in South Easton works best for you?

At HUB Tech IT in South Easton we know cloud computing technology like the back of our hands. And we know how to advise you when you're considering what cloud IT solutions best suit your unique business needs.   Public or private or hybrid — the definitions and...

Breaking Down Your Options and Costs: Your Guide to Outsourcing IT

Breaking Down Your Options and Costs: Your Guide to Outsourcing IT

Outsourcing IT has become an integral part of managing a business by freeing up resources, cutting costs and snuffing out technological disasters. Small businesses often outsource IT to ensure that their networks and business systems remain protected and efficiently...


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