Strengthen Your Business: A Guide to Cyber Readines

Strengthen Your Business: A Guide to Cyber Readines

Cyberattacks are a constant threat, and businesses of all sizes need to be prepared. But what exactly does it mean to be “cyber ready”? This guide will explain the importance of cyber readiness, what it entails, and provide 7 key steps to take your...
Which Microsoft Copilot Is Right for You?

Which Microsoft Copilot Is Right for You?

Microsoft’s suite of AI companions, called Copilot, has gained significant attention for its potential to revolutionize workplace productivity like no other tool. Microsoft Copilot AI offers various iterations tailored to different business needs and objectives....
Ransomware Attacks in South Easton Are Imminent 

Ransomware Attacks in South Easton Are Imminent 

The FBI and Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)  announced a public service warning of ransomware attacks looming on the horizon. With attacks on the rise, particularly surrounding holidays and weekends, HUB Tech IT urges South Easton-based...
A Comprehensive Guide to Disaster Recovery

A Comprehensive Guide to Disaster Recovery

In the dynamic landscape of technology, businesses thrive on digital innovations, yet the specter of disruptions looms larger than ever. The consequences of tech downtime extend beyond operations, encompassing financial losses, damaged reputations, and dissatisfied...


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